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Our Story

Gallery Space Media is a music-centered Midwest-based media outlet delving into the world of Music, Art, and Entertainment. As students, entrepreneurs, and artists ourselves, we are driven by a passion for storytelling, collaboration, and creative expression. 
"Life is a gallery, it's all in how you frame it" 

Meet The Crew

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Mitch West
Founder I Creative Director

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GS: Ideation, Positivity, Futuristic, Includer, WOO

Meet Mitch West, a multifaceted entrepreneur and founder of Gallery Space Media. Starting as a teenager with his own DJ service, he found his passion in entrepreneurship, music promotion, booking, and event production. In 2009 he made the move to Minneapolis pursuing those same passions graduating with honors in Music, Arts & Entertainment Business and Recording Engineering from The Institute of Production & Recording in Minneapolis, MN. Currently, he's studying AD/PR at The University of Nebraska Lincoln’s College of Journalism.


Molly Foster
Co-Founder I Contributor

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Meet Molly Foster, a concert photographer based in Kansas City. She is a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority and is currently pursuing her degree in Child, Youth, and Family Studies at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Molly combines her passion for music and photography by capturing the energy and emotion of live performances. As a concert photographer, she enjoys experiencing the music, meeting new people, and creating lasting memories. In 2022, she co-founded Gallery Space Magazine and joined as a contributor and photographer. Through this platform, Molly shares her unique visual perspective on the art of music.


Linsey "Z" Gividen
Gaming I Contributor

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GS: Input, Ideation,  Empathy , Developer,  Individualization

Meet Linsey "Z" Gividen, a gamer and music lover from the West Coast who now calls the Midwest home. After initially pursuing a career in teaching, Z discovered her true passion lay in the field of marketing. She has a knack for researching, designing, and tapping into the interests of a group to generate excitement around events and campaigns. Currently, Z is a Marketing major at The University of Nebraska's College of Business, where she is working to finish her Bachelor's degree. With her strong work ethic and passion for marketing, Z is poised to make a significant impact in the industry in the years to come.


Jacqueline Radakovich
Music I Contributor

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GS: Adaptability, Restorative, Developer, Harmony, Intellectual

Meet Jacqueline Radakovich, a music enthusiast from Chicago. Currently, Jacqueline is pursuing a degree at UNL in Management and Music Technology. She is an aspiring sound engineer and photographer with a knack for journalism and entrepreneurship. Concerts are her favorite activity, and she aspires to create a career around them. Her interests combine to create a bundle of entrepreneurship ideas that she hopes to pursue in the future. Through Gallery Space, she is able to get into the music industry and create media for others to enjoy.


Dylan Jensen
Music I Contributor


Johnna Sisneros
Music I Contributor

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GS: Competition, Significance, Restorative, Command, Deliberative

Meet Dylan Jensen, Nebraska born and raised, and is proud to call the Midwest his home - a music enthusiast passionate about going to live shows, including supporting local music. He currently studies Business Administration at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. He aspires to take his passion and love for music of all genres and his understanding of business to combine the two. He hopes to show people and young adults like himself that anything is possible and no dream is too big.

Meet Johnna Sisneros, a Lincolnite writer with a passion for the local music and arts community in Lincoln and Omaha. She is a current master's student in counseling Psychology at UNL and has a Bachelor's in Psychology. She has extensive experience as an arts and entertainment reporter, interviewer, reviewer, photographer, podcast host, and columnist. Known as a jack-of-all-trades, she loves art in all of its forms and dabbles in everything from painting to embroidery, candle making, botany, witchcraft, and communism. Johnna aspires to contribute to and support the local DIY music and art community.

Contact Us

Are you doing something creative that needs talked about? Let us know! Dig what we're doing and want to be a part of it? Hit us up! 

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We'll be in touch!

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